
Understanding the Prophets-Part 5 prophets Dec 09, 2020

What does a false prophet look like.

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Understanding the Prophets Part 1 prophets Nov 30, 2020

I started a new series about the training of the Prophets.

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Burning Ones burning passion Oct 30, 2020

Oct 26, 2020

I love this question, and yes, I ask this of myself.  Many times the answers I get are right.  Some of very good and hit the mark entirely. But what I want to do is give us spiritual and scriptural answers that both challenge us and guide us.  Are you on fire for God?...

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Positioning Ourselves positioning transition Oct 22, 2020

Where do you go from here? Soon the election will be over, Covid will fade away, and Americans will be back to work. Have you dreamed of this day? How do we, as Christians, position ourselves in the unknown future. I am glad that you asked. The truth is we do have some road map to where the world...

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Does God Want You To Prosper? faith properity Oct 16, 2020


I hope this finds you well. I pray for all of you often, and I hope that the King of Glory is flooding your life with His presence.

I often hear people argue that prosperity is not part of the Doctrine of Christ. Part of the basis of the argument is they will refer to Job or the...

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Timeless Decrees Sep 21, 2020

What are timeless decrees? Every generation must make these timeless decrees to bring about Heaven on Earth. We find these timeless decrees throughout Scripture that are as applicable today as they were on the first day. In the book of Numbers, we find such a decree.

Num. 6:22  And the...

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The Shaking prophecy Aug 08, 2020

The Lord spoke to me concerning the shaking.  Be encouraged.

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Doctors On The Frontlines Jul 28, 2020

Here is the video from Breitbart that has been deleted everywhere.  I post it here so that you might hear from these doctors without bias or threats from the powerful.  It is important for all Americans to understand that vast battle that is going on.  

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Biblical Faith faith works May 27, 2020

Without faith, it is impossible to please God, the writer of Hebrews declares. But what is faith, and what does it look like when it appears? Is it something I believe only, or does it require works? James, the brother of Jesus, tackled this issue in his letter to the Jewish believers. Faith is...

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