
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 75-Godā€™s Love Is Limitless Sep 27, 2022

What does it mean that God’s love is limitless? Is there things we can do to change his mind.

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Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 74-Closing Doors of Trauma Sep 23, 2022

Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 74-Closing Doors of Trauma

We need to learn how to close the doors of trauma that can keep us in bondage and sickness.

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Sep 15, 2022

Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 73-Judaism:The Problem

Some of the doctrines we have created have come out of Judaism, but not out of the Scriptures. Women preachers is one of them.

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Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 71-Groaning That Bring Change Aug 31, 2022

We must allow the Holy Spirit to move within us in groaning that bring change.

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Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 70-Donā€™t Get Offended harvest offenses Aug 25, 2022

Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 70-Don’t Get Offended


It is easy in a world where everyone seems to offended about something, that the Church learns how to navigate so the full harvest can come in to the barn.

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The Revival Tsunami prophecy revival vision Aug 19, 2022

The Spirit of God is ready to Move!

I have it on good authority that the Spirit of God is ready to pour out in new ways. Not only because he has spoken to me directly, but several others have had the same word from the Lord in the last week.

Two weeks ago, as I was making a video, I had a vision...

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Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 68-Revival Tsunami revival Aug 12, 2022

Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 68-Revival Tsunami

In this message I share about my friend Jeff Jansen and some visions about revival. Revival Highways, Three Angels, Tribute to Jeff Jansen

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Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 67-Repentance, Prodigals, and the Coming Aug 01, 2022

Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 67-Repentance, Prodigals, and the Coming


It is time for the church to repent, the Prodigals are coming home, and the coming move of God.

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