
The Simplicity of the Gospel. faith gospel Jul 08, 2022

The Motivation-Love Romans 5:6; John 3:16
The Solution-Propitiation 1 John 2:2
The Essence Grace-1 Peter 5:5
Acquisition-Faith Eph 2:9
The Exchange-Our life for His-John 12:23-26
Obedience=Maturity Not Salvation Rom 1:5; Rom 6:16; 2 Cor 10:5

Obedience to Christ is not the same as obedience to the Law....

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Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 65-Prayer Matters Jun 22, 2022

Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 65-Prayer Matters


How we pray matters.

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Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 64-The Battle Jun 14, 2022

Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 64-The Battle

The battle for our nation is fierce.  We have to stand against the cultural wickedness.

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Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 62-Consecration consecration feast holiness weeks May 31, 2022

Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 62-Consecration


We must prepare for the Feast of Weeks. There is not a greater topic for us to discuss than the pursuit of holiness.

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Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 61-Holiness Part 4 May 24, 2022

Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 61-Holiness Part 4


There is not a greater topic for us to discuss than the pursuit of holiness.

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Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 60-Holiness Part 3 godliness holiness righteousness May 17, 2022

Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 60-Holiness Part 3


There is not a greater topic for us to discuss than the pursuit of holiness.

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Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 59-Holiness Part 2 May 10, 2022

Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 59-Holiness Part 2


There is not a greater topic for us to discuss than the pursuit of holiness.

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Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 58-Holiness Part 1 May 04, 2022

There is not a greater topic for us to discuss than the pursuit of holiness.

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Stewardship Part 1-The Basics apostolic blessing increase stewardship Apr 07, 2022

We just left Oklahoma. What a wonderful trip. When I get the opportunity to minister to God's people, I feel overwhelmed with His love. When His people are hungry and honoring, I feel like I am in heaven. That was what it was like at Glory River Church. I want to welcome you if you are new to my...

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Dec 23, 2021
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Nov 17, 2021
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Our Inheritance-Part 2 Our Inheritance blessing faith inheritance Sep 02, 2021

Part 2 - Inheritance

Over the past several weeks, as I have tracked this string of thoughts, I have been amazed at how much faith I was not using. My faith levels are on high power; miracles and healings, to prophetic words and impartations. It might not only be this as I have also been intense...

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